New changes are here! Thank you all for your love, thoughts and prayers during this time of change. We are officially in the process of changing organazition and will no longer be serving with WGM. We are still heading to Africa to fulfill the call the lord has placed on our hearts! We are excited to continue our journey where everyone is part of working on this great commission, part of "His team"! Thank you for all those who continue to pray and support us, your prayers have truly been felt through this time of transition!
God Bless,
Josh and Ange
please contact us with any question you may have!
Friday, October 30, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
We are so excited about the new changes going on in our lives right now. As many of you know we are in the process of a major redirection in our lives and would truly appreciate your prayers. Stay tuned...........
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Shine a Light!
As I was reading today, God lead me to Luke 11. Sometimes scriptures you've read over and over become new to you, when God is trying to show you something!
Luke 11:33-36
"No one when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a secret place or under a basket, but on a lamp stand, that those who come in may see the light. The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, when your eye is good, your whole body also is full of light. But when your eye is bad, your body also is full of darkness. Therefore take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness. If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, the whole body will be full of light, as when the bright shining of a lamp gives you light."
I love the first part of this scripture! When night falls and we turn lights on throughout the house, do we cover them up with a dark blanket? Or do we hide the lamps under the bed? Why is it we can go on for hours, days, even years, and never share our light that He has lit in us? Who have you shared your light with today, when is the last time you led someone to our Savior, we have a tremendous job as Christians to share this amazing light with those who are sitting quietly in the dark, waiting for that bright light to touch them. I know I never want my light to even flicker, but always shine brightly for Him! Lord, may you always remind me of that, and continue to show me ways that I may shine brighter, especially to those around me. Amen
Luke 11:33-36
"No one when he has lit a lamp, puts it in a secret place or under a basket, but on a lamp stand, that those who come in may see the light. The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, when your eye is good, your whole body also is full of light. But when your eye is bad, your body also is full of darkness. Therefore take heed that the light which is in you is not darkness. If then your whole body is full of light, having no part dark, the whole body will be full of light, as when the bright shining of a lamp gives you light."
I love the first part of this scripture! When night falls and we turn lights on throughout the house, do we cover them up with a dark blanket? Or do we hide the lamps under the bed? Why is it we can go on for hours, days, even years, and never share our light that He has lit in us? Who have you shared your light with today, when is the last time you led someone to our Savior, we have a tremendous job as Christians to share this amazing light with those who are sitting quietly in the dark, waiting for that bright light to touch them. I know I never want my light to even flicker, but always shine brightly for Him! Lord, may you always remind me of that, and continue to show me ways that I may shine brighter, especially to those around me. Amen
Friday, September 11, 2009
A Thankful Heart!
O.K. Not that I am complaining, but since we have started on this road to Uganda 1 year ago now, we have went through a lot, we have lost a lot, and we have gained a closer relationship to our Lord as a result of this. My heart has pretty much been fine throughout all the transitions we have made, until recently! I don't know if it's just hormones, having a new little one or what, but lately, my heart has been a little broke, and it's not something you want to admit, it makes me feel a little less godly for some reason. The other day I found Samuel going nuts with a marker coloring all over the dresser in his bedroom! This is not the characteristics of our 5 year old! I went in a blaze, with my spanking hand ready! I said "who did this?" Assuming it was my three year old and Sam immediately spoke up saying "If I tell you it was me, will I get a spank?" Tears filled his eyes, and I said "why? Why would you do such a thing? This isn't even our dresser, it belongs to the missionary homes!" He replied " I know, that's why I did it! I want my old dresser back, my old house, and my old toys, I don't want drunk neighbors anymore mom" the whole time, tears are just pouring down his little cheeks, which again, if any of you know Sam this is just not him! My heart broke into two million pieces as I tried to choke back the tears and not cry along with him. I wanted to tell him "I know, I miss our home, the home Josh and I worked so hard for, my huge front porch where I could sit and rock my babies, our back yard, my dad stood in the pouring rain staining that fence for us". My boys have given up so many of their toys, their cool bed with the sliding board, their swing set, their dog, their cat, their mamaw and papaw's who love them so much! Peter will never even get to know his grandma and grandpas, never get to see them on a daily basis. And all that is going through my head is..... Is this really worth it?! I'm so sorry to even think that God, but my children's hearts are really hurting! Why do we need to go to Africa now?! For seven years, we had no children, no home of our own, that would have been a better time! So, as I choked back my tears, I explained to Sam and Zach, for now this is our home, temporally until God says it's time to go the Africa, and we must be happy and have His joy in our hearts. When Josh got home from work I explained what had happened, and immediately he to began to cry. It was a couple of days later when we were flipping through the channels and an infomercial came on, it was for Feed the Children. We've all seen it, the hungry children in the streets of Africa, flies on their eyeballs, ribs protruding, it is heart breaking. I turned it right away, and told Josh, I honestly don't even want to think about Africa right now! But something made me turn it back! There she was, a momma, just like me, she had two boys the same age as Sam and Zach with a small baby strapped to her back. She was so proud of her children. They had found a mud puddle with a small amount of very dirty water, the cow's back foot was standing in the mud puddle, and it had actually just pooped in it. The mom stood by, as her two little boys scooped that water up and drunk it with smiles on their faces. The tears again started flowing from my eyes, as the man hosting the show said "this mother loves her children just as much as you love yours" I repented for the sadness I had in my heart for crying over material things and realized how much we are needed and called to be a part of what God is doing in Africa. No, I cannot take clean water to everyone there, I cannot feed the starving, or give medical help to all those who need it. But what I can do is go with a happy heart, telling people like that momma standing there, God loves her and her children so much He sent His only Son to die for her. I can give that hope through Jesus Christ. I will praise and thank God right along with her when a mud puddle is found and the children's pains from hunger are gone for that very minute. Josh and I agreed we would never be sad again when our children cry over material things, that is not how we want to raise them, that is not what we want instilled in their little hearts. It was a couple days later, I laid the boys down for a nap, we didn't talk any more about the dresser or anything and Sam came into the bedroom with the tiny little bible he got when he was dedicated as a baby. I was singing to Peter, Sam didn't know I was listening, and he opened that little bible, not knowing how to read yet, and said "Yes God, I will go to Africa and tell the children you love them, because that's what the bible says".
I am so proud of my boys and the life God has called us into, I am so thankful for continually being drawn close to Him and realizing what truly is important. I thank you all for your prayers and partnership in helping us reach a country through God who confirms our calling in our hearts everyday.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Concert of Prayer!
Please be a part of The Concert of Prayer beginning 9.14.09! Go to to check it out!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
What is a disciple?
Once we give our hearts to the Lord Jesus does that automatically make us one of His disciples? As Christians we have a mighty duty to Him. The bible tells us it is not enough to attend church on Sunday mornings, go home and forget about Him until next Sunday when we meet with other believers again. It is so easy to get wrapped up in our every day lives that we push our Godly duties to the side, like devotion, praise even prayer. When we do this over time we find ourselves slipping further away from Him. Just like a marriage, how can we only go to our spouse once a week and speak with them and listen to them, having a meaningful relationship? Our Lord requires so much more! And we should be more than happy to accommodate! What is it that you can do during the week to show Your Savior how serious you are about serving Him? What "job" is He calling you to and what are you doing for Him, to help further the Kingdom of God? How can you be a better disciple for Christ?
The deeper I grow in Him, the more I am able to hear His voice telling me what to do and how to serve Him for today! I want this to be my prayer every morning of every day, Lord, what can I do for you and your people today, who can I pray for, who can I help? We are learning with three small boys, full time ministry, a busy home school schedule, full time 40 hour a week job, getting ready to begin, it is extremely difficult to find alone time for Christ! Or is it?! I have learned when you pray for time, you get it! There are always moments we can seize, beautiful moments we can spend with Him, times when we can just stop and listen, not for Him to answer our every need (He knows those before we even ask), but times when we can ask Him, "What can I do for you today Lord" asking with a pure servants heart!
If you want to become a disciple of our savior you can begin today! Develop the practice each day of spending time alone with Him. Pray for God to send others your way to minister to, others willing to commit themselves to Him by changing the world through evangelism and discipleship. The world desperately needs such a change, but only our Lord Jesus Christ has the power and plan to change men's hearts and nations!
The deeper I grow in Him, the more I am able to hear His voice telling me what to do and how to serve Him for today! I want this to be my prayer every morning of every day, Lord, what can I do for you and your people today, who can I pray for, who can I help? We are learning with three small boys, full time ministry, a busy home school schedule, full time 40 hour a week job, getting ready to begin, it is extremely difficult to find alone time for Christ! Or is it?! I have learned when you pray for time, you get it! There are always moments we can seize, beautiful moments we can spend with Him, times when we can just stop and listen, not for Him to answer our every need (He knows those before we even ask), but times when we can ask Him, "What can I do for you today Lord" asking with a pure servants heart!
If you want to become a disciple of our savior you can begin today! Develop the practice each day of spending time alone with Him. Pray for God to send others your way to minister to, others willing to commit themselves to Him by changing the world through evangelism and discipleship. The world desperately needs such a change, but only our Lord Jesus Christ has the power and plan to change men's hearts and nations!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
He's Finally Here!
My midwife Chris
9lb 5oz and 22 inches long
Here he is.... Mr. Peter Joshua Bryant! Peter was born Tuesday, August 4th and has been such a joy in our lives! Thank you all for your prayers! Sam and Zach are totally in love with their new little brother and we are all having fun spoiling him as much as we can!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Uganda Prayer Requests
Thanks so much for all of your thoughts and prayers while we have been on our journey, preparing for Uganda.
In case any of you are qualified and are looking to do some international travel, Heritage International School (where Sam and Zach will attend) is in desperate need of a high school English teacher for this school year! The school term starts on August 10th, but they would take an English teacher whenever he/she can arrive. Because of other shortages, many teachers are taking on extra loads to teach these classes. Please pray that one could be found. Pray for the new volunteer teachers arriving to teach the upcoming year that they will adjust well to Uganda and be a blessing to their students.
We obviously appreciate and covet your prayers, but if you could also remember the folks that are already over in Uganda doing the work. Please pray for the physical & spiritual health of the missionaries & their families:
—Southern Uganda Missionaries:
• John & Beth Muehleisen
• Jonathan & Lisa Mayo (Jordan & Ethan)
(Jon and Lisa are our Field Directors)
• Kenneth & Delight Hopson (Kaleb, Austin, & Emilee)
(Ken and Delight are actually back in the states traveling)
• Lisa Fish
• Keith & Donna Bourne (Haley & Rachel)
• Jean Komline
—Northern Uganda Missionaries
• Billy & Joanna Coppedge (Elsie Jayne & Lucy)
—Missionary Disciples (First term missionaries like us)
• Jamie Friedrich
• The Hallahan Family
• The Rambo Family
• The Guilliams Family
• Pam Wilson
• The Ferg Family
• The Burke Family
Please continue to pray for..
• the field housing situation. With rent increases and more missionaries arriving, the need for affordable field housing continues to remain a need.
• the monthly pastoral trainings taking place in 10 different locations including 1 in Sudan. Over 110 pastors are being trained at 3 different levels.
• the youth pastoral training and all of the youth outreach ministries.
• our field directors as they continue to look at new areas for outreach. New ministries have already begun in South Sudan . We are now looking at ministry opportunities in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and 5 strategic locations within Uganda .
• 25 to 30 new missionaries to come along in the next 5 years to meet the needs of the expanding ministries.
• land to be purchased to build an Urban Center or to be able to purchase land with an existing building for multi-purpose ministries in Kampala. This Urban Center would be a place for the 600 plus students from 11 African countries in the University Ministry. It would be a multi purpose building for a church to reach professionals, a place to begin businesses or to rent out to other businesses to help fund the ministries of the church.
Please pray that God will provide the necessary resources to meet the needs within all of the ministry opportunities.
• Us that we will always have a Christ-like attitude and keep Him the center focus of our family and our ministry, and that we would be a light to those we come into contact with here and Uganda.
Stay Blessed,
Josh and Angela
In case any of you are qualified and are looking to do some international travel, Heritage International School (where Sam and Zach will attend) is in desperate need of a high school English teacher for this school year! The school term starts on August 10th, but they would take an English teacher whenever he/she can arrive. Because of other shortages, many teachers are taking on extra loads to teach these classes. Please pray that one could be found. Pray for the new volunteer teachers arriving to teach the upcoming year that they will adjust well to Uganda and be a blessing to their students.
We obviously appreciate and covet your prayers, but if you could also remember the folks that are already over in Uganda doing the work. Please pray for the physical & spiritual health of the missionaries & their families:
—Southern Uganda Missionaries:
• John & Beth Muehleisen
• Jonathan & Lisa Mayo (Jordan & Ethan)
(Jon and Lisa are our Field Directors)
• Kenneth & Delight Hopson (Kaleb, Austin, & Emilee)
(Ken and Delight are actually back in the states traveling)
• Lisa Fish
• Keith & Donna Bourne (Haley & Rachel)
• Jean Komline
—Northern Uganda Missionaries
• Billy & Joanna Coppedge (Elsie Jayne & Lucy)
—Missionary Disciples (First term missionaries like us)
• Jamie Friedrich
• The Hallahan Family
• The Rambo Family
• The Guilliams Family
• Pam Wilson
• The Ferg Family
• The Burke Family
Please continue to pray for..
• the field housing situation. With rent increases and more missionaries arriving, the need for affordable field housing continues to remain a need.
• the monthly pastoral trainings taking place in 10 different locations including 1 in Sudan. Over 110 pastors are being trained at 3 different levels.
• the youth pastoral training and all of the youth outreach ministries.
• our field directors as they continue to look at new areas for outreach. New ministries have already begun in South Sudan . We are now looking at ministry opportunities in the Democratic Republic of Congo, and 5 strategic locations within Uganda .
• 25 to 30 new missionaries to come along in the next 5 years to meet the needs of the expanding ministries.
• land to be purchased to build an Urban Center or to be able to purchase land with an existing building for multi-purpose ministries in Kampala. This Urban Center would be a place for the 600 plus students from 11 African countries in the University Ministry. It would be a multi purpose building for a church to reach professionals, a place to begin businesses or to rent out to other businesses to help fund the ministries of the church.
Please pray that God will provide the necessary resources to meet the needs within all of the ministry opportunities.
• Us that we will always have a Christ-like attitude and keep Him the center focus of our family and our ministry, and that we would be a light to those we come into contact with here and Uganda.
Stay Blessed,
Josh and Angela
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Fear not: for I have redeemed thee, I have called thee by thy name; thou art mine. When thou passest through the waters, I will be with thee; and through the rivers, they shall not overflow thee; when thou walkest though the fire, thou shalt not be burned; neither shall the flame kindle upon thee.
Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Hey everyone!
Thank you so much for all your prayers. We are still enjoying Fl (despite the nonstop rain right now) and are so excited to go tonight to a local church to hear a Ugandan Children's Choir who will be singing and dancing! The boys have brushed up on what little of their language they know and are so excited to greet the other children in their language! We are also excited about the fact that Josh may have a new job! We will know more tomorrow, but we know it is all in God's control and will meet all of our needs! Please continue to pray for us as we begin to make calls and pray about new partners in our ministry. We are hoping to fill our schedule back up very soon, but it has been a little slow going with the move and still awaiting our new little man "Peter" who should be here in just a few weeks! God bless you all!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Settling in!
Whew! This month has been a complete whirl wind! About a week in a half after all the moving and packing, we packed up again and head back to Ohio for some appointments we had already made and did not want to cancel! It was a long drive but well worth it! We had such wonderful visits with family and friends, and got to be a part of 4 amazing services to share about Uganda! God's grace is so amazing and His hand was on us the entire time! We had a scary moment with the pregnancy, but God completely lead us through it, and have made it back home to Fl. safe and the baby is doing great! This time it was harder to say good bye to family, knowing it will be months before we see anyone again, the boys did a little better than what I thought about their goodbyes, however had lots and lots of questions, and wanted to bring everyone back to Fl. with them! I could not be blessed with better little men then what the Lord has given! This was the boys fifth 20 hour car trip in 3 weeks, and they did amazing! Mommy and Daddy made it in one piece with all our hair intact (although it might be a little grayer!) :) Now we can get on our regular schedule and all settled in as we wait for our new little man to arrive in the next few weeks! Josh is currently looking for a new job to help make ends meat, and we found out the Doctors and my midwife will not want me to start my part time job until after the baby is born. We are so excited to start working with others here in Fl. and involving them in what God is doing in Uganda. We have recently spoke with head quarters (WGM) and have learned our release is based on current monthly support. We have just reached our first goal of 1,000$ per month in faithful monthly partnerships! Thank you all so much for partnering with us in this ministry. Please keep us in your prayers as we continue pressing on for the remaining goal of 7,000$ per month! If you would like to become more involved in missions or what God is already doing in Uganda, please contact us at Thank you all for your prayers through this time of amazing transition in our lives, we have surely felt them. God bless you all!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Prayer Request!
Hello everyone! This is our last week to get packed up, we are pulling out and heading down to St. Petersburg on Sunday morning! Thank you all for your prayers. We had fun at church Sunday, after the evening service the church served pizza, ice cream and cake so we could have a time of fun and fellowship with our dear brothers and sisters that we have worshiped with for 12 years now! We are going to miss everyone so much, but we feel God has already given us an amazing new home church in Tampa! I have a specific prayer request I would like you to pray about if you would. With my previous 2 pregnancies I developed preeclampsia and toxemia and with my last one, Zachary, it got very dangerous and very scary! My doctor said I have a 50% chance of developing it again and even sooner this time. Since we found out about this baby we have been praying and standing against this disease and we have had an amazing pregnancy! I am 29 weeks now and moving to Fl. and leaving my "comfort zone" with my doctor and familiar hospitals had made me a little nervous. We have been praying about a new doctor and which hospital to deliver at and we have decided to go with a midwife at an amazing birthing center there in St. Petersburg! I am trusting in God that all will go well and the preeclampsia will stay away, so we can have a healthy and natural delivery. If you could please lift us up in prayer concerning this I would greatly appreciate it! Thank you all for your continued prayers! We will keep you updated!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Well, now that we have a minute to catch our breath! Here are some pics from our recent trip to Florida! The boys had so much fun, even when daddy got "bit"! They are still talking about it! Thank you all for your continued prayers as we prepare to leave next weekend!
Zachary waiting on the waves!
He found one ! ;)
Sam collecting sea shells for mamaw and papaw!
Sam and Zach at St. Pete's Beach
Our new home!
Zachary waiting on the waves!
He found one ! ;)
Sam collecting sea shells for mamaw and papaw!
Sam and Zach at St. Pete's Beach
Our new home!
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Baby Girl
With our new move we are unable to take our "baby girl" Molly. She has been our only girl for 12 years now. She has been very sick with kidney failure and muscle wasting and we found out Monday we would have to find a new home for her, and that has been very hard for us at this point in her little life where she has been so sick and loves being home with her family! We posted on facebook and some very dear friends at church put the word out and we had an awesome family say they were praying about taking her in. However, tonight as we are in Fl. Molly is being kenneled at her awesome vet who has always taken care of her for us called to let us know Molly's condition had worsened dramatically and we need to have her put to sleep. We are crushed and so broken hearted. We were hoping and praying she would go at home in her sleep and we would not have to make that decision. We are picking her up at the kennel Monday night when we return home to OH and will be keeping her with us all week, spoiling her rotten and enjoying every minute with her. I know it may sound real silly to ask for prayer for a dog but we have had so many things and people taken over the past several months everything seems to pouring down all at once! We are hoping she goes peacefully at home this week. Thank you all for your prayers as our family goes through so many changes. God bless you all,
Josh and Angela
Friday, May 8, 2009
Movin' On!
Well, as many of you know (from facebook) we have had some serious changes come about in the past few days. We have been in such a struggle with Josh not being able to find work for so long, and working a schedule that allows us to continue to be full time in our ministry as we prepare to leave for Uganda. I only work 2 nights a week and it is just not enough to sustain. We have been in much prayer and we feel God has opened doors for us in St. Petersburg, FL. There are missionary homes that we are able to live in for a much cheaper price than what we pay in OH. We are in Fl. now checking out the housing, signing the paper work and I actually had 4 interviews today at different hospitals around town! We will be speaking Sunday morning at a wonderful church here in Tampa then heading back to Ohio late Sunday afternoon. We would really appreciate your prayers at this time. We have 3 weeks until we the big move. This was all so sudden, we have NOTHING packed and not even a box to put it in!! We know God's grace is more than sufficient and He would never give us more than we can handle! Thank you all for your continued prayers........ we will keep you updated!
God Bless
God Bless
Monday, April 20, 2009
We had our final ultrasound today and the baby looks wonderful!! We are praising God for a healthy baby and a healthy pregnancy! And.....It's another boy!!! (pictures coming soon!)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
John 14:19 – Yet a little while, and the world seeth me no more; but ye see me: because I live, ye shall live also.
Enough said, don't you think?
Thank you Lord for being crucified and buried but most of all for returning with the key s to death, hell and the grave in your hands! Let us never forget to share this gift with everyone we come into contact with.
Enough said, don't you think?
Thank you Lord for being crucified and buried but most of all for returning with the key s to death, hell and the grave in your hands! Let us never forget to share this gift with everyone we come into contact with.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
I meet you in the stillness of your soul. It is there that I seek to commune with you. A person who is open to My Presence is exceedingly precious to Me. My eyes search to and fro throughout the earth, looking for one whose heart is seeking Me. I see you trying to find Me; our mutual search results in joyful fulfillment. Stillness of soul is increasingly rare in this world addicted to speed and noise. I am pleased with your desire to create a quiet space where you and I can meet. Don't be discouraged by the difficulty of achieving this goal. I monitor all your efforts and am blessed by each of your attempts to seek My face!
-Sarah Young: Jesus Calling
Saturday, April 4, 2009
The pretzel dates back to 600 A.D. and was first made my the monks who used it as a reward for the children who learned their prayers. It is a sign of love and forgiveness! The design came from the children's arms as they were folded and crossed as they prayed. Sam and Zach loved the story of the pretzel, loved making the mess all over momma's kitchen, but most of all the loved eating up these delicious home made goodies!
Kentucky Mountain Bible College
I had only my second solo trip so far. Well, sort of. My dad came along to keep me company on the five-hour ride to Kentucky. It was a great trip. The students and staff at KMBC made both of us feel so welcome to their beautiful campus. We had plenty of time to meet and fellowship with many of them during dinner on Thursday and then breakfast and lunch on Friday. I did realize Thursday night that I am too old to still be playing full court basketball with college guys!
I was blessed to have the opportunity to share our calling with them during Chapel on Friday morning. What a great bunch of students – it's so exciting to see so many young people on fire for God! They were very responsive and even closed the service by praying over our family and our ministry. Thanks again to Russ Frazier for arranging the visit and to everyone else as well for making my dad and me feel welcome!
View from the top of the hill where we spent the night!
Students listening during the Chapel service
M.I.B. (Missionary In black) sharing about our calling to Uganda
I was blessed to have the opportunity to share our calling with them during Chapel on Friday morning. What a great bunch of students – it's so exciting to see so many young people on fire for God! They were very responsive and even closed the service by praying over our family and our ministry. Thanks again to Russ Frazier for arranging the visit and to everyone else as well for making my dad and me feel welcome!
View from the top of the hill where we spent the night!
Students listening during the Chapel service
M.I.B. (Missionary In black) sharing about our calling to Uganda
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Albany Christian Church!
Thank you so much to EVERYONE at Albany Christian Church! We had so much fun sharing with you in service today. Thank you also for all of you who cooked and prepared all that wonderful food! It was so nice to eat a hearty home cooked meal than the McDonalds we are used to grabbing! And a special thanks to Ms. Betty who was so kind to open her home and heart up to us and allowing us to spend Saturday night. What a beautiful home. The boys loved all of the items she and her husband collected from their mission trip to Brazil years ago. Thank you so much for everything, we are praying for you all and your church as well!
God Bless,
Samuel and Zachary with Ms. Betty
Our Welcome Sign!
Josh and Angela
God Bless,
Samuel and Zachary with Ms. Betty
Our Welcome Sign!
Josh and Angela
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Global Evangelism Weekend!
Thank you so much to Harrison Free Will Baptist Church for such a fun, refreshing, uplifting weekend! Harrison hosted a Missions conference this past weekend in Minford, OH everyone was so nice and welcoming. There were amazing guest preachers and guests and we had so much fun. On Sunday night we had the most beautiful candle light service. We all had little lights in a completely dark church, and Pastor Grimes called places out one by one where there light would be taken, and soon everyones "little lights" lit up the church, just reminding us all how bright we can be when we work together in a place that needs the light of Christ. Please keep this church in your prayers as they start they're outreach program. We pray they will continue the wonderful work God has started there in Minford, people are being saved and lives are being changed! Thank you so much Harrison!
God Bless,
Josh and Angela
You can check out they're web site at
God Bless,
Josh and Angela
You can check out they're web site at
Friday, March 13, 2009
The Little Things.............
We are 5 months along now and time is flying by...We are planning on turning Josh's office into the nursery for the baby and are looking around for crib bedding. We of course got rid of everything we had for the boys, because we were not planning on this "unexpected blessing" and we are soon realizing how extremely expensive everything is! We found this safari print that we really liked, however it is over 300$. NO way! So, as we continued on our search I actually found the exact same bedding, with all the fixings, for 69$ on!! Just then we remembered where we bank we have earned a ton of points, looked it up and sure enough we have a 100$ gift card. We get all our nursery decorations and bedding absolutely free! God is so amazing! Even the things that we think may be no big deal to Him....are. He knows the desires of our hearts and loves us enough to care too!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Prayer Request!
Hello friends! Josh and I are asking for your prayer support at this time for some very specific requests! We are feeling worn very thin at the present time. Between Josh working all day every day and part time in the evenings,and me working a couple nights a week we are feeling quite sleep deprived and overwhelmed. We are trying to finish and keep up with our Bible courses we need to complete for our ministry, make our calls, keep in touch with our partners, make appointments for new ones. We have so many appointments out of town that requires long travels on the weekends, and trying to save on our ministry budget we are doing the driving in one day now instead of overnight visits. With me being almost 5 months pregnant, the drives are seeming so much longer than they did a couple of months ago! :) On top of this we have the most amazing "little men" that needs us refreshed for all the love and attention they need and deserve! It has been so hard to be "full time" missionaries and keep up with our normal work and home lives. If you could please pray specifically with us on handling our schedule and doing what God would have us do we would greatly appreciate it! And I hope it doesn't seem like I am complaining by any means, we would not have it any other way, sometimes we just need a "boost" that only our Lord can give! On another note, I developed preeclampsia with both of the boys and it actually got very dangerous with Zachary. Josh and I have been praying specifically that this and toxemia will come no where near us with this pregnancy and would appreciate your prayers also! So far everything has been wonderful. Last week I got really sick and found out I was dehydrated a little bit, but that was easily fixed and I praise God for a great pregnancy! Thank you all so much for your love and prayers!
God bless,
Josh and Angela
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Divine Appointments!
This morning I was doing the dreaded missionary task of making phone calls for appointments! About 5 pages into my contact information and calling about 20 churches. I was getting a little discouraged when not one person answered the many calls I had already placed, the ones that did answer said they could take on no new missionaries at this time, etc... and I still have so many to call and our need is still so great. I thought to myself, one more call and that will be it for today, Lord please intervene, let them answer, let me get just one new appointment this morning. On the other end of the phone a tiny little, frail voice answered..."Hello". I explained I was trying to get a hold of Bethany church, I'm sorry, I must have the wrong number. The frail voice went on to explain, "yes, you do have the wrong number, what did you need a church for?" I told her we were missionaries calling from Columbus, OH and she said "I used to be a pastors wife, but my husband died 4 years ago, he was 85 years old." One hour later, I was still talking with her, and I realized this was my divine appointment for the day. She had the most amazing testimony of her "mission journey" that started with her husband in 1949. She was familiar with World Gospel Mission, and even as a widow on a fixed income, still supports many missionaries. She then went on to ask me.. "honey I know what you must be going through right now, you are probably sitting making phone calls and feeling discouraged this morning aren't you?" I had not even said one word about anything I had been doing! She continued on.."Always know, God has already picked out the people who is going to be a part of what you are doing and He will put them all in your path, just like He did this morning!" "You see, you didn't call the wrong number this morning, God knew you were going to call!" My tears just started flowing. I thank God so much for what He does, all the little things, all the people He puts in our paths. I thank you all for your continued prayers and your support. Ms. Black wants our information and our prayer cards to add to her list of missionaries she currently supports and prays for. She said "at 77 years old, I don't know how the Lord can use me anymore." I know He did today. Please keep Ms. Black in your prayers today.
God Bless,
Josh and Angela
God Bless,
Josh and Angela
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Thanks for your prayers!
We had the ultrasound this morning and not only is the newest Bryant alive, it is very active AND already 10 weeks old! God is so good. Looking back we know that the baby was always healthy and that now maybe God actually had us go through this to come in contact with the tech that did the ultrasound. She is Methodist but is married to an atheist. We were able to share our testimony and tell her a little of our story about our ministry in Uganda! We had a wonderful time with her and got to witness to her about God's love for her and her husband! Thank you so much for all your prayers!
Josh and Angela
Prayer Request!
We are going to the doctors this am to have an ultra sound. My blood work came back and my progesterone levels are way too low and they believe the baby has passed away. We would appreciate your prayers this morning and throughout the day. We know God is big and so are His amazing miracles.
Love and Prayers,
Josh and Angela
Love and Prayers,
Josh and Angela
Sunday, January 18, 2009
January Newsletter
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
Another One of My Favorite Devotions!
Wow, tonight I realized and was reminded we are 3% funded on our monthly supporters and our one time cash need, and we have been at it for nearly 4 months. Our goal is to be at 100% by September when we leave for Colorado, is that truly possible? Then as I am watching "the big game" (OSU) that favorite little devotional book of mine made it from my bedroom to the little table beside my chair. It was like it was screaming at me. I have not read it since the new year has begun. I mean this book is like 5 years old now, I have read it at least 4 times already, but every time I pick it up, it's like new and speaks to my heart in a different way, just like God and His words! Here is what it said:
You can achieve the victorious life through living in deep dependence on Me. People usually associate victory with success: not falling or stumbling, not making mistakes. But those who are successful in their own strength tend to go their own way, forgetting about Me. It is through problems and failure, weakness and neediness, that you learn to rely on Me. True dependence is not simply asking Me to bless what you have decided to do. It is coming to Me with an open mind and heart, inviting Me to plant My desires within you. I may infuse within you a dream that seems far beyond your reach. You know that in yourself you cannot achieve such a goal. Thus begins your journey of profound reliance on Me. It is a faith-walk, taken one step at a time, leaning on Me as much as you need. This is not a path of continual success but of multiple failures. However, each failure is followed by a growth spurt, nourished by increased reliance on Me. Enjoy the blessedness of a victorious life, through deepening your dependence on Me!
God Bless,
Josh and Angela
It's the small things!
Sam's version of the Nativity!
We are starting a new program to help gain prayer and financial partners this year. We have a small box with some of our information on it for people to collect their pocket change. We are constantly finding change all over the house, in the couch, under the rug, in the car, etc... Please pray about using this pocket change to help us further God's Kingdom in Kampala, Uganda! If you contact us through the blog or email us at we would love to send you one of our little boxes to collect your change, after your box is full, you can cash it in and send it to headquarters and partner with us to help reach Uganda! We will help you with the entire process, even providing coin rollers and pre-addressed and pre-stamped envelopes! Please pray about these small boxes that can bring CHANGE to Uganda :)
God Bless,
Josh and Angela
We are starting a new program to help gain prayer and financial partners this year. We have a small box with some of our information on it for people to collect their pocket change. We are constantly finding change all over the house, in the couch, under the rug, in the car, etc... Please pray about using this pocket change to help us further God's Kingdom in Kampala, Uganda! If you contact us through the blog or email us at we would love to send you one of our little boxes to collect your change, after your box is full, you can cash it in and send it to headquarters and partner with us to help reach Uganda! We will help you with the entire process, even providing coin rollers and pre-addressed and pre-stamped envelopes! Please pray about these small boxes that can bring CHANGE to Uganda :)
God Bless,
Josh and Angela
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