Sunday, February 22, 2009

Prayer Request!

Hello friends! Josh and I are asking for your prayer support at this time for some very specific requests! We are feeling worn very thin at the present time. Between Josh working all day every day and part time in the evenings,and me working a couple nights a week we are feeling quite sleep deprived and overwhelmed. We are trying to finish and keep up with our Bible courses we need to complete for our ministry, make our calls, keep in touch with our partners, make appointments for new ones. We have so many appointments out of town that requires long travels on the weekends, and trying to save on our ministry budget we are doing the driving in one day now instead of overnight visits. With me being almost 5 months pregnant, the drives are seeming so much longer than they did a couple of months ago! :) On top of this we have the most amazing "little men" that needs us refreshed for all the love and attention they need and deserve! It has been so hard to be "full time" missionaries and keep up with our normal work and home lives. If you could please pray specifically with us on handling our schedule and doing what God would have us do we would greatly appreciate it! And I hope it doesn't seem like I am complaining by any means, we would not have it any other way, sometimes we just need a "boost" that only our Lord can give! On another note, I developed preeclampsia with both of the boys and it actually got very dangerous with Zachary. Josh and I have been praying specifically that this and toxemia will come no where near us with this pregnancy and would appreciate your prayers also! So far everything has been wonderful. Last week I got really sick and found out I was dehydrated a little bit, but that was easily fixed and I praise God for a great pregnancy! Thank you all so much for your love and prayers!
God bless,
Josh and Angela

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Divine Appointments!

This morning I was doing the dreaded missionary task of making phone calls for appointments! About 5 pages into my contact information and calling about 20 churches. I was getting a little discouraged when not one person answered the many calls I had already placed, the ones that did answer said they could take on no new missionaries at this time, etc... and I still have so many to call and our need is still so great. I thought to myself, one more call and that will be it for today, Lord please intervene, let them answer, let me get just one new appointment this morning. On the other end of the phone a tiny little, frail voice answered..."Hello". I explained I was trying to get a hold of Bethany church, I'm sorry, I must have the wrong number. The frail voice went on to explain, "yes, you do have the wrong number, what did you need a church for?" I told her we were missionaries calling from Columbus, OH and she said "I used to be a pastors wife, but my husband died 4 years ago, he was 85 years old." One hour later, I was still talking with her, and I realized this was my divine appointment for the day. She had the most amazing testimony of her "mission journey" that started with her husband in 1949. She was familiar with World Gospel Mission, and even as a widow on a fixed income, still supports many missionaries. She then went on to ask me.. "honey I know what you must be going through right now, you are probably sitting making phone calls and feeling discouraged this morning aren't you?" I had not even said one word about anything I had been doing! She continued on.."Always know, God has already picked out the people who is going to be a part of what you are doing and He will put them all in your path, just like He did this morning!" "You see, you didn't call the wrong number this morning, God knew you were going to call!" My tears just started flowing. I thank God so much for what He does, all the little things, all the people He puts in our paths. I thank you all for your continued prayers and your support. Ms. Black wants our information and our prayer cards to add to her list of missionaries she currently supports and prays for. She said "at 77 years old, I don't know how the Lord can use me anymore." I know He did today. Please keep Ms. Black in your prayers today.
God Bless,
Josh and Angela