Friday, October 30, 2009

New changes!

New changes are here! Thank you all for your love, thoughts and prayers during this time of change. We are officially in the process of changing organazition and will no longer be serving with WGM. We are still heading to Africa to fulfill the call the lord has placed on our hearts! We are excited to continue our journey where everyone is part of working on this great commission, part of "His team"! Thank you for all those who continue to pray and support us, your prayers have truly been felt through this time of transition!
God Bless,
Josh and Ange
please contact us with any question you may have!

Thursday, October 15, 2009


We are so excited about the new changes going on in our lives right now. As many of you know we are in the process of a major redirection in our lives and would truly appreciate your prayers. Stay tuned...........