Wednesday, September 8, 2010


One day God asked a man named Jonah to go to a place called Nineveh and tell the people living there to stop being bad. The only problem was that Jonah didn't want to help the people there. He knew they were bad and he wanted them to be punished for their mistakes.
So instead of listening to God, Jonah thought he would run away from Nineveh and not do what God asked him. He ran to the sea where he found a ship that was going to another city. He paid the captain, went in the lower part of the boat and went to sleep....
Hmmm.... This is the boys first bible lesson of their new school year. All they were concerned about listening to was how the big fish swallowed up Jonah, pretty cool to a 4 and 6 year old! All I was thinking about, is how Jonah tried to run away from what he knew his Lord was calling him to do! Sounds pretty familiar in my life right now.
We know the calling our Lord has put on our family, and something we used to be so excited about has turned into such a battle. A battle we have been fighting for almost a year now! We pretty much "laid down" and went to sleep just like Jonah, but we are now starting to feel the waters around us raging up. We are feeling Him calling our hearts once again to Uganda, knowing we were stopped not by Him, but by others before.
Will you please join us in prayer as God is opening new doors around us, paving the way for us to Uganda? Building up a team that we are to placed with! We have learned so much over this past year, and trust me, have way further to go.. but we just want to be obedient. There is no greater feeling than being in the center of our Lord's will, a feeling we are slowly regaining.
Please pray He will continue to open doors for us and we will hear our Maker's voice loud and clear! The last thing I want, is for my family to be swallowed up by that "big fish" :)
God Bless.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Pressing on?!?

Oh wow, where to begin....... So, so much has happened in our lives over the past few months I would not even know where to begin. I actually deleted this blog back in November. I feel we had such a hard year there was really not much I wanted to remember about it! Don't get me wrong, we are a blessed family, but feelings have been hurt, by people that we felt very close to, things have changed, we have felt loss and went through many, many changes.
Long story short I am not so sure I even want to continue this blog, but as I look back over previous blogs I realize I don't want to shut these memories out, but continue to make new ones, hopefully better ones! In our personal lives we are chugging along with these 3 amazing, beautiful little men! Sam is now 6 and is currently in kindergarten (with momma) doing home school. Zachary will be 4 next month and is in preschool here at home too! Peter will be a whopping 6 months old next week and proudly displays his new beautiful little teeth! We are still living here in the missionary homes in FL until June, at that time we have NO idea where we will go. We need to find a rental home and re- buy everything to put in it! Literally!! We thought we would be in Uganda by December 2009, which did not happen. We were forced to resign with World Gospel Mission because our funds were not raised within their time frame. We are confident where God has called us to serve, however we feel hurt and unwilling to trust again. We are praying now God gives us a renewed heart, that we will be able to trust another organization and lean on Him who has placed this burden on our hearts. We have learned so much over the past few months, and honestly, we thought about giving up, not wanting to put our family through the trials missionaries usually face, but the thought of doing that just isn't right with our hearts...... so, here we go again. Please pray for us as we seek God's guidance in our lives, we have actually applied with another organization are in the beginning process of heading to Africa again. But, just like before, we cannot do this on our own! We know God is more than able to provide, He owns the cattle on a thousand hills! Now having an organization that is behind us, teaching and helping us we are praying we will be able to make our dream, our calling a reality. Little by little, day by day, God is rebuilding our hearts and our abilities to open up and trust again. Thank you all in advance for your prayers which have carried us through to this point and will carry us all the way to Africa.
God Bless,
Josh and Angela