Monday, January 5, 2009

It's the small things!

Sam's version of the Nativity!

We are starting a new program to help gain prayer and financial partners this year. We have a small box with some of our information on it for people to collect their pocket change. We are constantly finding change all over the house, in the couch, under the rug, in the car, etc... Please pray about using this pocket change to help us further God's Kingdom in Kampala, Uganda! If you contact us through the blog or email us at we would love to send you one of our little boxes to collect your change, after your box is full, you can cash it in and send it to headquarters and partner with us to help reach Uganda! We will help you with the entire process, even providing coin rollers and pre-addressed and pre-stamped envelopes! Please pray about these small boxes that can bring CHANGE to Uganda :)
God Bless,
Josh and Angela

1 comment:

grandma said...

Sam I love your version of the Nativity. You are a great little Artist and little soldier for God.

I love you