Wednesday, August 12, 2009

What is a disciple?

Once we give our hearts to the Lord Jesus does that automatically make us one of His disciples? As Christians we have a mighty duty to Him. The bible tells us it is not enough to attend church on Sunday mornings, go home and forget about Him until next Sunday when we meet with other believers again. It is so easy to get wrapped up in our every day lives that we push our Godly duties to the side, like devotion, praise even prayer. When we do this over time we find ourselves slipping further away from Him. Just like a marriage, how can we only go to our spouse once a week and speak with them and listen to them, having a meaningful relationship? Our Lord requires so much more! And we should be more than happy to accommodate! What is it that you can do during the week to show Your Savior how serious you are about serving Him? What "job" is He calling you to and what are you doing for Him, to help further the Kingdom of God? How can you be a better disciple for Christ?
The deeper I grow in Him, the more I am able to hear His voice telling me what to do and how to serve Him for today! I want this to be my prayer every morning of every day, Lord, what can I do for you and your people today, who can I pray for, who can I help? We are learning with three small boys, full time ministry, a busy home school schedule, full time 40 hour a week job, getting ready to begin, it is extremely difficult to find alone time for Christ! Or is it?! I have learned when you pray for time, you get it! There are always moments we can seize, beautiful moments we can spend with Him, times when we can just stop and listen, not for Him to answer our every need (He knows those before we even ask), but times when we can ask Him, "What can I do for you today Lord" asking with a pure servants heart!
If you want to become a disciple of our savior you can begin today! Develop the practice each day of spending time alone with Him. Pray for God to send others your way to minister to, others willing to commit themselves to Him by changing the world through evangelism and discipleship. The world desperately needs such a change, but only our Lord Jesus Christ has the power and plan to change men's hearts and nations!

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