Saturday, October 25, 2008

Hitting the Road :)

We just found out a few days ago, we are hitting the road! We are going to be traveling to Orlando for some child education seminars all of next week! These seminars are for parents of children who will get their education in a third world country! We are very excited to be around fellow believers, other missionaries, and other parents who have/and are schooling their children in other countries from all around the world! We are speaking in Lucasville Sunday morning, Springfield Sunday night, then driving through the night the 16 hours to reach Orlando by Monday! (flying was just not really in the budget right now:)! We would appreciate your prayers throughout the week. The boys are excited to hit all the Disney shops down that way, and thank you so much to the mamaw's and papaw's who so generously gave, so the boys would enjoy their last trip to Disney before heading to Uganda next summer! We love you!
God bless,
Josh and Angela


grandma said...

Josh, Angela, Sam, and Zach,

We will be praying for you on you trip to Fla. Drive carefully and have a good time . Boys have a fun time shopping at Disney

Love you guys

Answering the Call said...

Thank you! We love you too!