Saturday, October 11, 2008

More Encouragement!

Remember me saying, "God always sends someone along to encourage us at just the right time"! Well, He did it again! The other day, I admit, I was feeling a little blue. Does anybody really pray for us, pray for the ministry, etc.. It was just a normal day, I took the boys to Drug Mart to rent them a video, like we do every week! We have gone there weekly for about 4 years, so I have gotten to know the cashiers and they are such nice ladies, they too have gotten to know the boys and that kind of thing. So a couple of months ago I gave one of the newer ladies one of our prayer cards. So when we were there the other day, me in my "blue mood" the newer cashier said "Hey! Your the missionary family I have been thinking about"! I said yes, were missionaries. She continued to tell me "yeah, to Uganda right"? She had actually went home, learned about Uganda, knew about Kampala, the needs those people have and everything. She even read about these 4 foot lily pads in Lake Victoria that the boys might enjoy! I could not believe it! She not only remembed, but cared enough to learn about the place we are so desperately seeking, and then to just go a little further, the other cashier standing there beside of her, walked to the side of the register, and pulled out the prayer card I had given her a month ago! They have kept it right there and think of us often! WOW! God is so good and His love never ceases to amaze me. I think God so much for the little relationships that we build everyday without even knowing it. It makes me want to continue to challenge my self and be even more of a light to every single person I come in contact with. Even when we are not watching, not really thinking about things, God is!


Amy Reece Spahr said...

thats sooo cool! hey, i have some friends moving to Kampala in january.. you can check out their blog at

God bless you!

Answering the Call said...

Awesome! I will check them out and thank you so much for the contact. God bless you Amy!